Thursday, 27 December 2012

The last post of 2012 and Chocolate Mincemeat Brownies

So this is my last post of 2012 and I thought I would share a Christmas recipe with you - I think I've made approx 6 trays of these on the run up to Christmas: as I chose to give these instead of cards to quite a few of my friends.  I've put a montage of little pics together but some big snaps of the finished outcome.  Don't think too much about the calories of these as they taste divine and Christmas is a time of indulgence.....

Ingredients: 300gms (10 oz) dark chocolate - I do 150gms Scotbloc, 150gms good dark chocolate
250gms (8 oz)- unsalted butter: not the end of the world if you use salted
5 eggs
400gms (13oz) - caster sugar
1 tspn vanilla extract
150gms (5 oz) Plain Flour
50gms (1 3/4 oz) Cocoa
1/2 tspn baking powder
3 tbspn Mincemeat
Icing Sugar to serve 
Put oven on at 180c or gas mark 4.  Line a shallow 8" x 12" baking tin - leaving an overhang to lift it out.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl suspended over a pan of boiling water - dont let bowl touch the water -  and then allow to cool slightly.
Now in a seperate bowl whisk the eggs, caster sugar  and vanilla together till pale and fluffy - about 4 minutes.

Beat in the cooled chocolate mixture into the egg mixture.  Sift the flour, cocoa, baking powder together and fold in gently with a large metal spoon.   Repeat with the mincemeat - but gently to keep all that trapped air in.

Spoon the mixture into the tin and smooth the surface.  Bake for 35 - 40 minutes - now a word of CAUTION!  This is the most important stage as Brownies tend to be overbaked....I leave mine in for 30 mins then check them out.  The top should have a crust but I pierce the centre of the tray to see at what stage the mixture is at - if the mixture is still liquidy put it back in the oven for another 5 mins, if the mixture is dry : get them out of the oven....if the mixture is not liquid but looking more solid then take them out.  Your Brownie wants to be undercooked and squidgy!  Leave to cool in the tray.

Now to finish off - I love this bit!  This idea was picked up from the blog Two Butterflies and I thought it was a fab should really be using a doily but I chose to use a piece of antique lace that I already had.  I placed the lace on the cake twice and then dusted icing sugar over it.  I think its really effective and sort of festive.

When your cake is completely cold - brownies need to be cooled so they cut easily - cut it into squares.


I then wrapped the brownies in clear collophane and tied it with a bow.

I hope you get the chance to make these: Chocolate never fails to disappoint.
Thank you for supporting me with my blog, I know I'm not always 'on the case' blogging but life gets in the way and I've had a good enough response with it to want to continue in the New Year.  I've a busy few days ahead of me preparing for a New Year dinner party - but watch out for my latest blogs as I has done so much cooking this past week and trying out new 'stuff' that I will share it with you.... .

 So here's wishing everybody a very Happy, Healthy 2013 and hope to see you in the 
New Year!

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