Tuesday, 5 February 2013

A warming headband and Giveaway!

I am hosting a GIVEAWAY of this headband - if you want to enter become a 'follower' of my blog or go to my facebook page fairislerona and say you 'like' my page and 'share' the giveaway.  When I hosted one last time a lot of people did not share the item - so please make sure you do it this time! The draw will be on Feb 12th.  Spread the word.....

This is my latest creation for Ravelry modelled by one of my gorgeous friends.  I used a Rowan Regia Design Line sock yarn which produces a striping effect that is repeated throughout the ball of yarn and I used shade 4259 - it only took 1x 50gm ball - and it can be purchased from here.

So, I used size 3.25mm needles and I cast on 32 sts and I did garter stitch - every row knit - till my work measured 16"/ 40cm - or the size to fit round your head.  
I then cast-offed.

For the coursage I used the yarn double and matched up the colours.  Using a 4mm crochet hook I made the coursage from here but I only did 2 rounds of petals as I felt it was big enough.  
Now sew the band together and attach the coursage to the headband.
Voila - a cosy headband!

1 comment:

  1. Count me in Rona - this is lovely!! I've mentioned your giveaway on my blog just to spread the word :) Keeping my fingers crossed, hehe!
    Alison x


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